My Life is Just a Vapor

My life is just a vapor that is here for just a short moment in time
God’s love shines through gentle spirits who we meet day by day
Some are our neighbor next door, the receptionist at our doctors
The fellowship and friendships that we encounter each day heal

Healing is not as easy as taking a pill or bandaging a wound
What has been healed is the deepest most agonizing terror
The gash that has tormented my soul is gone

Unconditional love that family and friends give
Fellowship with other like-minded who have also been wounded deep
A phone call away, a hug of reassurance, a whisper of hope
I have received and so it is my time to give, so that we are all stronger
Ready for the next disaster in our family, our heart, our mind we can imagine

Thank you to all my dear friends for laughing with me
Being there, just to listen and not doing anything at all
I have grown stronger, wiser and more appreciative of small things
Things that are free that mean so much that no one could buy
Thank you for letting me be me


Thank you for letting me, be me

Blue Box of My Life


Blue Box of My Life

Tossed old memories

Anger fuming and waiting

Broken promises we could not keep

Heartache everywhere

Fear hiding alone

Misfortune that was painful

Pain that we can no longer bare

Tears collected and stored

We don’t want to remember


Recycling I go in prayer

Chiming in to my own needs

Collecting wise words

Deflating the anger and pain

Friends supporting and listening

Gathering affirmations that comfort me

Letting go of lies that bound me

Organizing boundaries and limitations

Packaging joy of the memories

Recognizing that this is a process

Recycling my mind, heart and soul uniquely to me

Restoring my life with self-care

Surrounded with family who care

Sorting thru happenstances not questioning

Tying up loose ends that need to be dealt with

Wrapping my soul with forgiveness

Whisps of a Memory


This gallery contains 1 photo.

    Wisps of a memory that we hope for, crave for and have thought about over and over and yet it disappears. How many times we have thoughts, good intentions and dreams and wake up and think, “Oh that … Continue reading

Listening to My Internal GPS

Throw down your mask be yourself, believe in yourself

Throw down your mask

Marginalizing the worries, indifferences, and exasperated my life as it is being transformed; I am devoted to improving, educating and self love. Stronger each day than the day before, the past was my stepping stone to this day and its adrenaline inspires and conquers anything I fear. Searching, and knowing that the teacher is out there. Abundant, incredible desires that I have, want and need are all there for me, waiting for me. Refusing to listen to the deception of my own lies that have controlled and manipulated me, pulling me down, unable to breathe, coming up for short breathes and then pulled down again. I have survived. Stronger, smarter and ready to follow the path, I am making.

Years of listening to others rules, happy with the crumbs left for me. Thinking about what is really important; I need to take my life in my hands. Massaging in the love, inspired by new rules, new beliefs I am satisfied, satisfied that I am growing, leading silently right now. The goal is to be independent of what others think, bolder in my thoughts, speech and goals, believing in myself.

Questioning the rules, knowing what intuitively I feel is true and right for me. Like a rush, surging thru me intense uber knowing. Deciding to be my best friend, physically and mentally creating boundaries, I never knew I could create or conceive I could do for myself. I am giving myself permission to say no, no to the anger, hurt and lies, no to the death of myself for others to walk over, no to the silence that separates, no to this dis-ease that eats away at my soul. I have found my voice; I am standing up for myself, trusting myself.

I flow inward, to the ultimate version of self. My masks are thrown down, forgiving and believing myself, a refreshing surrender.

I am enough. Blossoming, forward, upward I am here today, following the light in me. Tomorrow I will be one step closer to my goals. If I digress to my old thoughts and habits I will remember to be gentle knowing that I am on my path and there will be stones, that I would of stumbled over before and may be in my way but I will walk over them, creating me to be stronger and ready for whatever is in front of me.

Anchored by my faith, my direction shines in front of me by the creator guiding my internal GPS. Taking different trails we end up at the same destination; I will listen to my dreams, feeling the power that radiates within and shine.

I’m Possible




When everything and everyone one around you says “It’s impossible” remember all the things you have gone thru, survived and that have made you stronger.

“I’m possibe, It is possible”.  Words we need to say more often to ourselves and believe. Being positive and optimistic about our life even when it feels like we feel like giving up. Our shadow falls on those around us and they are watching and listening. What words do You hear when you talk to yourself? Do you believe them?

We are mentored to be mentors to stand along side of others who like us reached out to others. Connect with other women who you feel empowered around. Have a good week, take care of you.

Women Empowerment | Simply…EMPOWERED by Crystal Andrus


As women, we love to share the things we love, which I why I’m sharing this with you: the first and only Personal Empowerment Coaching Certification, exclusively for womenThe S.W.A.T. Institute (Simply Woman Accredited Trainer).

I know, right? How cool is that?

We all know women are different than men, but if you actually learn the history of what has happened to women (around the world) for century upon century, you’ll realize why we need a program that addresses empowerment in our own way.

Not to mention, our bodies, hormones, even our brains, are wired differently than a man’s. We respond differently to emotional demands and we need to talk in order to release our “stress-relieving” chemical “oxytocin” into our blood streams. Men don’t. It’s factual.

Anyway, this is why I love The S.W.A.T. Institute so much. They are all about women—building a global coalition for us. They not only certify women to become Personal Empowerment Coaches, they offer free Mentorship Coaching to women around the world, who maybe couldn’t afford it otherwise. They also have an amazing magazine that allows all women, of any age and background, to share their expertise and wisdom. Plus, all kinds of giveaways and givebacks.

You have to check them out:

The S.W.A.T. Institute is a huge part of the next era of the women’s movement and I’m excited to share them with the world!