Attention All Authors, Speakers, Coaches, Self-Help Experts, even Event Planners!

Have you already written the book, created the course or product, or become certified but now feel lost when it comes to launching “you” or “it” in a big way that really makes an impact?

Are you ready to share your gifts and talents with the world but aren’t exactly sure how?

Do you struggle to be financially successful—even though you have a powerful message and/or product?

You are not alone!

There are so many talented people who have simply never learned the “how-to-succeed” side of this business, who feel like giving up.

If this is you, please read on>>>

My friend and colleague, Crystal Andrus, the founder of The S.W.A.T. Institute (the world’s #1 online Personal Empowerment Certification Program for women), has created another wildly successful curriculum that will help you launch your business into massive success!

“The Business Behind the Business Program” embraces the most comprehensive teachings I’ve ever seen that will empower you with everything you need to master the business side of turning your passion into a lucrative, sustainable, and profitable business.

This program is interactive and the team literally supports you every step of the way to creating the business of your dreams! You owe it to yourself to at least take a peek. Click here now:

And here’s some more really fantastic news>>> (keep reading!)??

Simply by clicking this link:, you will receive a $500 OFF Coupon for The Business Behind the Business Program, along with a 45-minute teleseminar called “The Three P’s (Prerequisites) for Massive Success in Business” at no extra cost.?

During this free teleseminar, Crystal Andrus has outlined three simple yet profoundly significant reasons you’ve missed the mark—why you haven’t been able to achieve massive success yet!?You are going to learn that even if you have two of the three “prerequisites” covered, without knowing and mastering “The Three P’s (Prerequisites) for Massive Success in Business”, you won’t succeed.??

So, if you are a woman who has found her “thing!” You know what you want to do! You know that your business model, idea, concept, and/or talents are brilliant . . . and you also know that if given the right opportunity, you could be wildly successful, then click here now:

Here’s to your infinite success!



Next Era of the Women’s Movement!

We all know women are different than men. Have you seen this?

women men cartoon

Women and men are different?

As women, we love to share the things we love, which I why I’m sharing this with you: the first and only Personal Empowerment Coaching Certification, exclusively for womenThe S.W.A.T. Institute (Simply Woman Accredited Trainer).

I know, right? How cool is that?

We all know women are different than men, but if you actually learn the history of what has happened to women (around the world) for century upon century, you’ll realize why we need a program that addresses empowerment in our own way.

Not to mention, our bodies, hormones, even our brains, are wired differently than a man’s. We respond differently to emotional demands and we need to talk in order to release our “stress-relieving” chemical “oxytocin” into our blood streams. Men don’t. It’s factual.

Anyway, this is why I love The S.W.A.T. Institute so much. They are all about women—building a global coalition for us. They not only certify women to become Personal Empowerment Coaches, they offer free Mentorship Coaching to women around the world, who maybe couldn’t afford it otherwise. They also have an amazing magazine that allows all women, of any age and background, to share their expertise and wisdom. Plus, all kinds of giveaways and givebacks.

You have to check them out:

The S.W.A.T. Institute is a huge part of the next era of the women’s movement and I’m excited to share them with the world!

Huge Love


Win over $12,000 in Giveaways from GoodLife Fitness and The S.W.A.T. Institute!

Learn how Silken Laumann overcame physical adversity and personal turmoil

to capture 4 Olympic medals.

Join the call live and have the chance to win over $12,000 in giveawaysImage

from GoodLife Fitness and The S.W.A.T. Institute!


Registration for this free event on April 15, 2014 at 8pm ET/ 5pm PT is required.

Women Personal Empowerment Is Here

afffiliate 1pnk2Click photo to instantly and you will be directly at the S.W.A.T. Institute website.


As women, we love to share the things we love, which I why I’m sharing this with you: the first and only

Personal Empowerment Coaching Certification,

(Exclusively for women)

The S.W.A.T. Institute (Simply Woman Accredited Trainer).

You have an opportunity to be part of the next era of the women’s movement!

The next step is yours, visit our site at


Zoetic Me…Who Knew

Today I was thinking of words that really were a part of me. ABCs of Kalina…

ABCs of Kalina

ABCs of Kalina


When I was looking for a word that describes me with the letter Z it was a little harder to come up with something. I checked out

Zoetic, I found out is a word I can use to describe myself. Have you heard of it before?

Well if you are awake, conscious, breathing, existing, functioning and growing you are zoetic who knew. I found my z word. I am more than existing and learning new things all the time; amazing.

Thank you

Life is full of surprises and happenstances; serendipity, one thing leading to another. My thoughts lead to an action, then a response.

When I respond I will Affirm, finding Balance, being Creative and Dream. I will Empower, Forgive and pray to GOD to Heal. Finding Inner peace and Joy thru the Knowledge and Love being Mindful while I Nurture being Optimistic pursuing my Passions. There will be Questions and Romance. I listen to my Spirit. Transformed I am Unique finding Victory and Wisdom.

XOXO being Yourself, You are Zoetic


Summit of Love


Summit of love, where none are judged

All have fallen, many afraid of getting up

We have to look inward and follow our dreams

Do not hesitate and listen to others defeat


I could not be a puppet, I grew and rebelled

They tried to put me into a box, really a shell

No questions, no reasons, just follow their lead

I was a person who asked why and could not believe


That is the way things are done, do not think for yourself

Learn from our mistakes, it cannot be undone

Running away from them and lost to this world

The world of black and white, was so unfair

Everyone has fallen, some still hidden in shame

The faith that had held me and has guided me here

Once a burden I did not want to hear

It had to many rules, and judged me so cruel

I spiraled out of control, alone and confused


Spheres of me, the dimensions I see

Alive with emotions, divided and silent
The masks I wear, hiding what is real

Tearing it off I would expose the real me


You have walked these steps; you hide behind this mask,

You are my mother, sister, daughter and friend

Rebirth, renewed we have woken up

With these baby steps we can try again

Faith, with arms open wide

Live in belief, we all walk together what a relief


It is not all black and white; we are not in a box

We are healing and walking in love

The scars and memories may still pass us by

But the strength we share while lifting each other up high

Fellowship of love, sisterhood beloved walking in love